The terrifying video game Five Nights At The Circus takes place over eight nights, during which time players are thrust into a world where their ability to survive is put to the test, as they engage in combat with extremely terrifying puppets.
When the game begins, the tale takes place in a circus. In the beginning, the scenario appears to be lighthearted and enjoyable;, as the night sets, it gets increasingly terrifying. In this game, you take on the role of a night security officer, whose mission it is to prowl the creepy grounds of the circus and deal with terrifying puppets that bring themselves to life.
It is important to remember that there is a timer and an energy indicator at the bottom of the game, and you need to make sure that they are within the appropriate limits, to avoid losing.
You will get access to all of the video monitors in the circus once you check out the first room. The game will instruct you on how to utilize the various components of the circus, which include how to open and close doors, how to walk from one area to another, and how to see the entire monitoring panel.
Before you switch on the surveillance footage, you should be aware that the light that indicates how much power you still have will start to decrease. If looking at the cameras is not handy for you, then you should not utilize them. As a security guard, it is your responsibility to keep an eye on the occurrences, to turn the lights on and off to determine whether or not someone has entered, and to ensure that everything is in order. Because the shift begins at six in the morning, you will be required to remain awake throughout the whole night.